Oughtred Society  
[William Oughtred picture]

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Past Meeting Reports

  • 2022 Oughtred Society Annual Meeting Report: The Oughtred Society Annual Meeting for 2022 was held virtually due to COVID, but still had lots of lots of presentations and scores of items at the annual auction.

  • 2021 Oughtred Society Annual Meeting Report: The Oughtred Society Annual Meeting for 2021 was held virtually due to COVID, but still had about a dozen presentations and scores of items at auction and for sale.

  • 2020 Oughtred Society Annual Meeting Report: The Oughtred Society Annual Meeting for 2020 was held virtually due to COVID, but still had several presentations and scores of items at auction and for sale.

  • 2019 Oughtred Society Annual Meeting Report: The Oughtred Society Annual Meeting for 2019 was once again held at the Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada with several presentations, two fine dinners, and scores of items at auction and for sale.

  • 2018 Oughtred Society Annual Meeting Report: The Oughtred Society Annual Meeting for 2018 was once again held at the Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada with several presentations, two fine dinners, and scores of items at auction and for sale.

  • 2017 Oughtred Society Annual Meeting Report: The Oughtred Society Annual Meeting for 2017 was held at the Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada and featured a great day at the museum with fascinating displays, two presentations, two very nice dinners, and many interesting items at auction and for sale.

  • 2016 Oughtred Society Annual Meeting Report: The Oughtred Society Annual Meeting for 2016 was held at the Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, NV and featured a great day at the museum with fascinating displays, four presentations, two very nice dinners, and many interesting items at auction and for sale.

  • IM2015 Meeting Report: IM2015 - September 25-27 2015 was located in Burlingame, California.
    The Oughtred Society hosted the International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors - IM 2015 in conjunction with special events and displays at the Computer History Museum, a tour of the impressive display of Bob Otnes' slide rule and calculator collection, and a sale of important items from the Tom Wyman and David Gamble Collections. The meeting was held from Thursday September 24 through Sunday September 27 at the Hyatt Regency SFO, 1333 Bayshore Highway, in Burlingame, CA. The theme for the meeting was From Logarithms to Algorithms: Bridging 400 Years of Scientific and Computing Evolution to reflect both the recent celebration of the Quadricentenary of Napier's work on logarithms as well as to highlight the importance of Silicon Valley to computing the rapid advances in technology during our lifetimes.

  • Oughtred Society Summer Meeting - June 21 1, 2014
    Our Annual West Coast Meeting was held on June 21, 2014 at the Computer History Museum with 23 in attendance. As usual, the room was filled with many interesting displays of slide rules and calculating devices and numerous items were quickly earmarked for sale at the auction. Of particular historical interest, Bob Otnes displayed some very early tables of logarithms books dating to the 17th century alongside more recent related books and catalogs, including two splendid 19th century Keuffel and Esser catalogs. Another fascinating display was Rodger Shepherd's two tables of slide rule pencil models by numerous makers, along with a huge collection of new- condition Devco slide rule pencils for auction. Two speakers were featured in this meeting, Rodger Shepherd, who presented Pencil Slide Rules--A Neglected Niche, and Bob De Cesaris, presenting Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and the Eugene Dietzgen Company.

  • Oughtred Society Winter Meeting - March 1, 2014
    The Oughtred Society Winter Meeting was held in Las Vegas at the Atomic Testing Museum on March 1, 2014. The host hotel was the Baymont Inn and Suites a few blocks from the museum.. The meeting featured presentations by Prof. Dr. Bernard Zygelman of UNLV on John Napier and his Discovery of Logarithms, Prof. Joe Pasquale of UCSD with his excellent Slide Rule Seminar, and Richard Smith Hughes discussing specialty slide rules. Those talks, displays and the traditional auction made for a great time
  • June 29, 2013 Summer Meeting The 2013 Annual Meeting of the Oughtred Society was held at the Computer History Museum, Mountain View California. 25 members attended and the hightlight of the meeting was a talk by Bob Otnes on the early history of K&E slide rules. During the business meeting, the vote for officers for the forthcoming year was confirmed with Bob De Cesaris as President, Kate Matthews as First Vice President and Recording Secretary, and Clark McCoy as Treasurer and Membership Secretary.

  • February 16, 2013 The 2013 Oughtred Society Winter Meeting and Auction was held in Tucson, Arizona at the world-renowned Pima Air and Space Museum. Bill Robinson provided a look back at his use of slide rules to design the wings on the B-47 and B-52 bombers, and Mike Konshak brought an extensive display characteristic of his current International Slide Rule Museum exhibits on the evolution of slide rules to electronic 'slide rule' calculators. Peruse the Meeting Report by hosts Richard Davis and Martha Prince.

  • September 21-23, 2012 IM 2012 - 18th International Meeting of Slide Rule & Historic Calculating Instrument Collectors "Slide Rules for the Trades" was hosted by the UK Slide Rule Circle September 21-23 at Bletchley Park, home of the wartime codebreakers. The meeting took place in the Library of the historic Victorian Mansion and was probably the most cosmopolitan IM ever held, with attendees from the UK, USA, Netherlands, Australia, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Belgium and Israel. Many interesting talks were given including "Machine Gun Slide Rules" by John Hunt Snr., "Flight Navigation Computers" by Ronald van Riet, "People and Slide Rules in Film" by Prof. Karl Kleine, and "Engineering Slide Rules and the Evolution of Excise Rules" by Tom Wyman.

  • June 23, 2012 Summer Meeting. The Twenty-first Annual Summer Meeting was held at the Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California. The President of the Oughtred Society, Bob De Cesaris hosted the event. Tom Wyman hosted the after meeting dinner at his nearby home and wrote the report. Elections were held, and the OS now has 387 members including 23 new members and 116 international members.

  • February 25, 2012 - OS Winter meeting. was held for the first time in Los Angeles, California on Saturday, at the Autry National Center. Herb Gold was the host. Dick Rose acted as auctioneer with an educational presentation by Richard Smith Hughes.

  • The International Meeting of Collectors of Historical Calculating Instruments (IM 2011) was hosted by the Oughtred Society at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts on September 23-25, 2011.

  • June 25, 2011 Summer Meeting The Twentieth Annual Summer Meeting was held at the Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California. The President of the Oughtred Society, Bob De Cesaris hosted the event. Tom Wyman hosted the after meeting dinner at his nearby home.

  • 2011 Winter Meeting (Fourth Annual) was held in Las Vegas, February 19, 2011 at the Atomic Testing Museum. Meeting chairman was again Richard Davis of Las Vegas. Tom Wyman writes this report.

  • November 6, 2010 Fall Meeting on the East Coast was held at the Wingate in Vineland, New Jersey. Paul McConnell hosted this event and wrote the report

  • June 26, 2010 Summer Meeting West Coast Annual Summer meeting was held on June 26 at the Computer History Museum. Mountain View, California. Tom Wyman hosted the event.

  • 2010 Winter Meeting (Third Annual) was held in Las Vegas, February 20, 2010 at the Atomic Testing Museum. Meeting chairman was again Richard Davis of Las Vegas.

  • 2009 Fall Meeting was held in Florham Park, New Jersey, November 7, 2009 at the Hamilton Park Hotel under the direction of Kate Matthews.

  • 2009 Summer Meeting was held in Mountainview, CA June 27, 2009 at the Computer History Museum. Report by Clark McCoy and Tom Wyman

  • 2009 Winter Meeting (Second Annual) was held in Las Vegas, February 21, 2009 at the Atomic Testing Museum. Meeting chairman was again Richard Davis of Las Vegas.

  • 2008 Winter Meeting February 23, 2008, in Las Vegas, NV. More can be found in the Spring OS Bulletin

  • East Coast November 10, 2007, in Westbrook, CT
       by Paul McConnell.

  • West Coast 2007 (June Meeting), in Mountain View, CA.
       by Clark McCoy.

  • East Coast 2006, in Claymont, DE,
       by Paul McConnell.
       in PDF format and in MS Word format.

  • West Coast 2006 (Spring Meeting), in Mountain View, CA,
       by Clark McCoy.

  • East Coast 2005, in Cambridge, MA,
       by Tom Wyman, et al.

  • East Coast 2005 (Fall Meeting), at the MIT Museum,
       by Clark McCoy.

  • IM 2005, in Cambridge, UK,
       by Tom Wyman. (MS Word format)

  • West Coast 2005, in Mountain View, CA,
       by Clark McCoy.

  • West Coast 2005, in Mountain View, CA,
       by Dick Lyon, et al.

  • MIT Museum, December 2004,
    Exhibition Planning Workshop,
       by Jim Cerny.

  • East Coast 2004, in East Windsor, NJ,
       by Jim Cerny.

  • West Coast 2004, in Palo Alto, CA,
       by Clark McCoy.

  • East Coast 2003, in East Windsor, NJ,
       by Jim Cerny.

  • West Coast 2003, in Palo Alto, CA,
       by Clark McCoy.

  • East Coast 2002, in East Windsor, NJ,
       by Jim Cerny for Michael O'Leary.

  • East Coast 2001, in East Windsor, NJ,
       by Jim Cerny.

  • West Coast 2001, in Palo Alto, CA,
       by Kate Matthews.



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last modified December 26, 2022